Dairy Industry In India (2014 – 2015) Home // Dairy Industry In India (2014 – 2015)

cow-factsHuman population : 1,250 million (70 million dairy farmer)

Milk productions : 145 million tonnes (397 million litres/day)

Livestock sector contribute 5.59% in national GDP and 36.6% of Agricultural GDP.

The livestock sector provides regular employment to 8.5% of the total workforce.

Largest livestock population : 57% of world buffalo and 16 % of cattle.

About 70% of milk is produced by marginal farmers having 1-4 animals.

Average Annual Growth Rate : 5%

Per Capita Milk Availability : 296 gms/day or 108 kg/year

Total Milch Herd, 2014 : 120 million

Crossbred cows : 20 million

Indigenous cows : 50 million

Buffaloes : 52 million

Milk yield per breedable bovine in-milk : 1,500 kg

Cattle Feed Production (organized sector) : 3.5 million tonnes

The marketable surplus is around 50 % and out of the organized sector processed around 150 million litres of milk per day with equal handling by cooperatives and private dairies which is around 30 % of available surplus and which needs to be doubled up till 2020 so as to match the demands.

Total number of Processing Plants : 2300

Dairy Plants Throughput : 150 million litres /day

Value of output of dairy industry : Rs. 4,50,000 crore (Euro 60 Billion)